PSYCH336 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mental Health Commission Of Canada, Mental Disorder, Psychotherapy

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24 Feb 2016

Document Summary

The importance of clinical psychology as a discipline. Half of first onset of mental disorders occur before 14yo. 15-25yo is peak for mental disorder ie. if you"re vulnerable to developing depression, it"ll probably occur during this age frame. Mental disorders cost canada 63$ annually ie. disability costs, health services, absents, premature deaths. Mental health commission of canada national non profit organization aimed to enhance health of those with mental disorders to bring national attention to mental health ie. creation of suicide awareness day. Suicide is 2nd leading cause of death among 15-34 yo. Media ban on suicide reports because its contagious. Defining the scope of clinical psychology application of psychological knowledge to eliminate distress + promote well being range of activities: assessment, diagnosis, treatment, program evaluation, administration, research, consultation guided by principles of: (principles are hierarchical. Importance of clinical psychology as a discipline evidence based practice: using only treatment that"s proven to work by evidence.