SOC101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences, Participatory Action Research, Globalization

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Macrosociology: a study of large-scale social organizations and large social categories; studies social processes and patterns in whole society, and it perceives social change as slow and patterns as persistent. Microsociology: face to face interactions between people that produce stable and enduring patterns in macrosociology; change is rapid and subtle. Classroom has different backgrounds, personalities not displayed in the classroom but has same culture of how to behave in classroom: situations have different norms, rules and cultures. Sociology: the systematic study of human groups and their interactions. Sociological perspective: view of society based on the dynamic relationships between individuals and larger social network in which we all live in. Charles wright mills: suggests that people who do not, or cannot recognize social origins and character of their problems may be unable to respond to these problems effectively. Different between personal troubles and social issues (challenges caused by larger social factors that require collective solutions)