BIOL 204 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Yolk Sac, Somite, Blastula

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20 Jun 2018
Zygote - single fertilized egg
Cleavage - rapid division
Morula - almost solid ball
Blastula Formation - Hollow ball of cells
Blastocoel - hollow space inside the blastula
Differentiation of ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
Cells from outer surface migrate inside the embryo via Blastopore
Formation of the archenteron
Becomes the lumen of the digestive tract
Endoderm will eventually become the lining of the digestive tract
Forms Neural Tube and Neural Crest
Somite formation in the trunk region (epimere mesoderm)
Arranged Anterior to Posterior
Blocks of epimere mesoderm
Visible underneath the dorsal layer of ectoderm
Microlecithal - Little yolk
Mesolecithal - Medium amount of yolk
Macrolecithal - Lots of yolk
special type/ undifferentiated mesodermal cells that are not linked
together into sheets and can move independently --> migrating
Anterior is more developed than posterior
Animal Pole - Lower concentration of yolk
Vegetal Pole - higher concentration of yolk
Vitelline Vessels - transport blood and receive nutrients from yolk sac
Anatomical distinctions
Dorsal - Back
Ventral - belly
Medial - Close to midline
Lateral - Away from midline
Anterior - Closer to head
Posterior - Closer to tail
Proximal - Towards attachment site
Distal - Away from attachment site
Embryology Origins
Mesoderm differentiates into:
Epimere mesoderm
In trunk region
Made of somites - discrete blocks
Mesomere mesoderm
Hypomere mesoderm
Splanchnic hypomere - inner layer
Somatic hypomere - outer layer
Made of Mesoderm
What occurs at different life stages of chick embryo?
33 hr chick
pair of dorsal aortas
Circulatory system starting to form
48 hr chick
Distinct blood vessels
Vitelline vessels
Extra embryonic membranes forming
Somatopleure (ectoderm and somatic hypomere
Splanchnopleure (endoderm and splanchnic hypomere
Yolk sac
Morphological Differences
Yolk Distribution
Amphioxus egg --> microlecithal
Frog egg --> mesolecithal
Chick egg --> macrolecithal
Archenteron Formation
Mesoderm from dorsal lining of archenteron forms 2 pouches
Space in the middle forms a coelom and the lining is made
from mesoderm
Coelom forms main body cavity (major organs in the adult)
Location and How to Identify
Neural Plate - mid dorsal region of ectoderm
Notochord - ventral to the neural plate
Figures to Draw:
Fig 1. Developmental process
Fig 2. Sagittal Section of amphioxus during Gastrulation
Fig 3. Neurulation of the Amphioxus
Fig 4. Close up of Neurulation
Fig 5. Cross Section of Frog embryo
Fig 6. External chick embryo
Fig 7. 4 Cross sections of Chick embryo
Fig 8. Cross section from 33 hour chick embryo
Fig 9. Full mount of 48 hr chick embryo
Lab 1 - Embryology
February 11, 2018
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Zygote - single fertilized egg
Cleavage - rapid division
Morula - almost solid ball
Blastula Formation - Hollow ball of cells
Blastocoel - hollow space inside the blastula
Differentiation of ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
Cells from outer surface migrate inside the embryo via Blastopore
Formation of the archenteron
Becomes the lumen of the digestive tract
Endoderm will eventually become the lining of the digestive tract
Forms Neural Tube and Neural Crest
Somite formation in the trunk region (epimere mesoderm)
Arranged Anterior to Posterior
Blocks of epimere mesoderm
Visible underneath the dorsal layer of ectoderm
Microlecithal - Little yolk
Mesolecithal - Medium amount of yolk
Macrolecithal - Lots of yolk
special type/ undifferentiated mesodermal cells that are not linked
together into sheets and can move independently --> migrating
Anterior is more developed than posterior
Animal Pole - Lower concentration of yolk
Vegetal Pole - higher concentration of yolk
Vitelline Vessels - transport blood and receive nutrients from yolk sac
Anatomical distinctions
Dorsal - Back
Ventral - belly
Medial - Close to midline
Lateral - Away from midline
Anterior - Closer to head
Posterior - Closer to tail
Proximal - Towards attachment site
Distal - Away from attachment site
Embryology Origins
Mesoderm differentiates into:
Epimere mesoderm
In trunk region
Made of somites - discrete blocks
Mesomere mesoderm
Hypomere mesoderm
Splanchnic hypomere - inner layer
Somatic hypomere - outer layer
Made of Mesoderm
What occurs at different life stages of chick embryo?
33 hr chick
pair of dorsal aortas
Circulatory system starting to form
48 hr chick
Distinct blood vessels
Vitelline vessels
Extra embryonic membranes forming
Somatopleure (ectoderm and somatic hypomere
Splanchnopleure (endoderm and splanchnic hypomere
Yolk sac
Morphological Differences
Yolk Distribution
Amphioxus egg --> microlecithal
Frog egg --> mesolecithal
Chick egg --> macrolecithal
Archenteron Formation
Mesoderm from dorsal lining of archenteron forms 2 pouches
Space in the middle forms a coelom and the lining is made
from mesoderm
Coelom forms main body cavity (major organs in the adult)
Location and How to Identify
Neural Plate - mid dorsal region of ectoderm
Notochord - ventral to the neural plate
Figures to Draw:
Fig 1. Developmental process
Fig 2. Sagittal Section of amphioxus during Gastrulation
Fig 3. Neurulation of the Amphioxus
Fig 4. Close up of Neurulation
Fig 5. Cross Section of Frog embryo
Fig 6. External chick embryo
Fig 7. 4 Cross sections of Chick embryo
Fig 8. Cross section from 33 hour chick embryo
Fig 9. Full mount of 48 hr chick embryo
Lab 1 - Embryology
February 11, 2018 3:00 AM
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