APA3381- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: the nature of probability and statistics: probability and statistics are used in almost all fields. Definition: statistics is the science of conducting studies to collect, organizes, summarize, analyze, and draw conclusion from data. Descriptive and inferential statistics: descriptive statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing, and presenting data. Inferential statistics is the science used to generalize information obtained from samples to populations. Variables: a variable is a characteristic or attribute that can assume different values. Variables whose values are determined by chance are called random variables. Data: are the values (measurements or observations) that variables can assume. Population: a population is the set of all subjects (humans or otherwise) that are understudy. Sample: a sample consists of only a subset of the objects in the population understudy. Qualitative variables are variables that can be categorized according to a specific characteristic or attribute.