BIO 2133 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gene Expression, Point Mutation, Exon

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Bio2133 compare different types of mutations and describe how each can affect genes and the corresponding mrnas and proteins. Explain, using diagrams, how nucleotide changes result in the alteration of gene activity. Point mutation: a mutation that can be mapped to a single locus. At the molecular level, a mutation that results in the substitution of one nucleotide for another. Also called a gene mutation: in this example, a t base pair was switched to an a base. Point mutations can have no effect, or serious effects on the protein being made from his sequence of. Dna: every amino acid has multiple triplets of base pairs to code for it, so if the point mutation codes for the same amino acid, the resultant structure will not be effected. Silent mutation: if the mutation causes a code for a different amino acid then a missense mutation occurs.