BIO 2133 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sirtaki, Embryonic Stem Cell, Reagent

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18 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Molecular genetics: dna markers genetic markers inherited variations that are used to test genetic hypotheses tell us something about genes tells us something about the dna. You don"t know if you are looking at one gene or gene interations. Enough to track generation to generation contemporary polymorphic molecular marker. A polymorphic site or locus shows variance same as genetic markers. A location in the genome where at least two versions of the sequence exist in the population, each at a frequency of at least 1% Variance in a population at a specific site & we can use that ! uottawa student population n ~ 40. 2n = 80 000 copies of (eg) chromosome 2 ex. There are 5 conditions that characterize a suitable molecular marker: Easy and cheap to detect reproducible: expensive to process millions of samples, ran gels from multiple members in a family, repeated many times and was confident in results.