CMN 2170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Heather Menzies, New Media, User-Generated Content

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4. working class (proletariat) owns only their labour. Lecture: feminist approaches to digital technology: liberal feminism, concerned with equality for women (looked at fields of medicine, science, etc. ) Want what the boys have : gender, ethnic diversity, still support individual choice, technology is gender neutral, reflects the harper government today. 11. declining female enrolment in math, computer science, and information science because: (1) (2) (3) It is often perceived computer science isn"t for girls. 12. feminist issues with technology: internet porn, misogynistic gamer culture, sexualisation of children and youth, internet safety for children, always on digital culture, work-life balance. 15. heather menzies: no time (2005: stress and the crisis of modern life, stress and depression add amongst kids, the anaesthetizing effects of information overload and the acceleration of everyday life on individuals. 17. we are becoming a distracted nation , women are 2x more likely as men to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety.