CMN 3105 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Social Responsibility, Media Ethics, Ethical Decision

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80% of the questions on the midterm and final are from the quizzes- all 40 quizzes are on the midterm and the final. Questions in the final exam will not be repeated from the midterm. You can defer the midterm in order to take open ended exam (but it"s more tough) The other 20% are from the lectures (even the jokes are included) The two lectures after the midterm aren"t in the textbook and they are v important for the final. Moral reasoning theories: based on shared values of wisdom, justice, and freedom. Four requirements must be met before ethical judgments can be made: Society must reach an agreement on its standards or moral conduct. These standards should based on reason and experience. A system of ethics should seek justice. An ethical system should be based on freedom of choice. Ethical decision making: relevant when we have to make decisions that may have consequences for others.