HSS 3103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Palliative Care, Alternative Medicine, Medicine

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Hss3103- experience of illness & impairment final study guide. Grief: collection of feelings/behaviours associated with loss of a person. Anticipatory grief: experienced by someone observing a loved one die slowly from terminal illness or unexpected injury. Feelings -> numbness, loneliness, guilt, shock, anger, depression. Warning signs -> worthlessness, severe guilt, suicidal thoughts. Critical of themselves for doing/not doing something for person who has died. To think they should have died instead of the loved one. Angry towards other family members or even god. Typical to feel strongest feelings they"ve ever felt. Phases of grief: shock + denial (numbness, in shock/denial, can persist for weeks, anguish (waves of distress lasting few minutes -> hours, might believe they can see the dead, resolution (returning to normal life, can last many months) Also known as solution focused brief therapy" , form of talking therapy. Focus on what client want to achieve, not focus on problems that made them seek help.