PHI 1102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Deep Ecology, Ecocentrism, Proletariat

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Humans are like the river and are constantly changing; we never stay the same. What is one of the problems for humans & reality: happiness sorrow, we think we can always be happy, but we must have sorrow to appreciate the happy times, democritus: hedonism. Advocates hedonism: pursuit of pleasure alone is ultimately valuable. Goal of morality: to maximize pleasure (theory of atoms- does not believe in the afterlife) Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food & drink. Advocates hedonism: pursuit of pleasure alone is valuable (no after-life; experience as much pleasure as possible) To experience happiness, we must manage our desires (3: natural & necessary (food, shelter, friendship, natural & unnecessary (exaggeration, artificial (lead to our ruin- power, fame, epictetus: stoic. Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. Material things may get in the way of happiness. Reasoning (theoretical & moral) goes hand in hand with happiness.