PSY 2174 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, Semicolon, Confounding

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Abstract, poster, talk: not as rigorous as the research report; do not require peer-review- can present pretty much anything. Anticipated data, pilot data, preliminary statistical analyses, etc. Task: provide a simple description & explanation of your study. Double-spaced (ex. tables & figures may be single-spaced)- ensures space on every page for comments/corrections. 1 margins on all sides (8. 5 x 11 ) Straight left-hand margin; ragged right-hand margin (no hyphenation) Uniform spacing to estimate the length of a printed article from the # of pages in a manuscript. Impersonal style- write objectively (clear & concise report) Avoid colloquialisms, alliteration, rhyming, ambiguity, and abrupt changes in topic. Verb tense- use past tense for events that occurred at a specific time. Present perfect tense for events that did not occur at a specific time or is continuing into the present. Ex. several studies have demonstrated (background material, description of methods) Describe people with a level of specificity that is accurate (ex.