[PSY2174] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 50 pages long Study Guide!

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Getting started: pick a topic in which you are interested, examples: a particular group of individuals, a particular behavior, or general topic, do your homework: collect background information. Do not try to read everything: read enough to gain good grasp of your topic, keep an open mind. Begin with a general topic and let background reading lead you to a more and more specific topic. Be critical: ask questions as you read. Maintain a degree of flexibility: focus, focus, focus. Develop one research question and find relevant background information: take one step at a time. Personal interests and curiosities: pick a topic about which you want to learn more. Casual observation: behavior of people or animals may generate a general research topic. Reports of others observations: ideas might come from informal sources, keep in mind that not all published thing are true facts, practical problems or questions.