PSY 3122 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homophily, Fellatio, Endometrium

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Mcq: single men hoping to meet a woman are most successful with which approach, direct compliments, a third-party introduction, funny pick-up lines. Paraphilias para = deviation; philia = love & attraction. Paraphilia any intense persistence sexual interest in genital simulation or fonling with some human partners. Fetishistic disorder persistence and repetitive use and dependant on non living objects or a specific body part. *must cause distress by not being able to function without this object. Partialism disorder a subcategory about fetish disorder that is a fetish about a certain body part. Transvestic disorder individuals who find cross dressing sexually arousing and are emotionally distressed by this pattern because society gives them a hard time. Harmless; men; married; educated; age 8. 5; not the same as gender dysphoria. Sadism & masochism infliction and receving pain where consent is provided: bdsm (cid:862)ki(cid:374)k(cid:863). Submission: bondage & discipline bondage: use of restraints from to handcuffs or ribbons.