PSY 3122 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexting, Sexual Addiction, Homophily

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Negative reaction that is related to fear. Negative thoughts, negative emotions towards sexual minority individuals. When you move from an attitude to a behaviour we are talking about prejudice. Assumption of heterosexuality, treat heterosexual people better then sexual minority people. The assumption that everyone else is like me and my subcultural beliefs are normal and if you are different then that is abnormal Attitudes are formed as we are growing up, come from the messages we are getting from society. Media pushing boundaries: 2 women kiss on primetime, lesbian wedding (no kiss, ellen, april 30, 1997, will & grace, 2 men kiss on primetime. Terminology: sexual orientation, affectional orientation, sexual identity. Modern measures of sexual and affectional orientation: klein sexual orientation grid ovariables, sexual attraction, sexual behaviour, sexual fantasies, emotional preference, social preference, self-identification, heterosexual/homosexual lifestyle. Rated 1=1 other sex only to 7 =same sex only. Lack of sexual attraction/sexual desire for others (bogaert,