PSY 3123 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intimate Partner Violence, Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse

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Chapter 13: when problems come gatekeepers: individuals recognized as having special expertise in identifying problems and who control access to important people/services (ex. doctors, police, judges) Reuben hill (1958) as response to new problem. B -> impact of stressor on family"s resources. C -> way family members view the stressing event. Functional solution: increase family"s ability to solve new problems. Dysfunctional solution: temporarily reduce family tensions but create new problems in future. Family crisis evolves over time + pressures from various sources. 1: normative stress in family, strains that begin before particular stressor, efforts of family to cope. Ambiguity: situation w/in family may not be clear. 14. 3% canadians have some sort of illness. Illness + chronic = stressor on family rises. How society perceives illness/disability has significant impact. Men more likely to look for support about own condition. Women seek support for themselves/ behalf of parents.