PSY 3123 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visible Minority, Nuclear Family, Main Source

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Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females: gender roles are the socially approved ways of behaving as males and females in our society. Gender differences and family relationships: gender differences affect both the nature of relationships and all aspects of family life. In traditional roles: men are regarded as practical, active, and rational, women are regarded as moral, spiritual, and emotional. Male and female differences: due to physical differences, gender-role socialization. In 1960"s limitations were placed on which relatives could be sponsored for immigration. In 2006, census found that racially-mixed marriages and common-law unions had increased 5x faster than all unions combined: many children have been adopted internationally and transracially. In the years from 1995-2004, nearly 20k such adoptions took place. Voluntary or involuntary: minority groups are also judged on whether differences in behaviour or characteristics are voluntary or involuntary, degree of stigma attached to particular behaviour or status sometimes changes.