PSY 3128 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theoretical Ecology, Longitudinal Study, Psy

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1- from the point of functionalism the family is part of what 5 basic institutions that help society: political, educational, religious, economical, societal. Structural functionalism: strengths: explains how the family is related to other institutions and how it contributes to society as a whole, weaknesses: is not clear on explaining why families and society changes. Assumes that society has one set of norms and values. Conflict theory: suggests that negative influences and power relationships are the basis for the perspective of society. It is a system that contains a set of interrelated and interacting parts. It looks at how the family is connected to and how individual members interact in society. This theory recognizes complementary roles and contain subsystems or smaller groups: strength: accounts for the impact of the behaviour of one individual on all members of the family, weakness: assumes that all family members want to stay together.