[SCS1160] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 17 pages long Study Guide!

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The albert einstein institution works to advance the worldwide study and strategic use of nonviolent action. Gene sharp created a list of 198 methods of non-violent action/ protest and persuasion. Social movements are less a departure from conventional intuitional politics. They"re: organized, broad range of tactics, promote social and political change. Collective challenges (takes groups of people who share similar ideas) These social movements are on going and all around us. Conflict with the interest of other people. When looking at gene sharps list 20 tactics can relate to it. The kinds of strategies a form of assembled group would use. Not every strategy will work in every context; depending on the situation a different context will match it. This chart symbolizes how some movements can be illegal yet ethnical. A nudist movement would be illegal yet ethnical. How is it organized (professionals, volunteers, government) Where does its money come from (government, public, grants)