SOC 2106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hegemonic Masculinity, Machismo, Masculinity

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Question 1: women, men, and society patriarchy. (729 words) Masculinities and femininities tend to be structured in a way that society deems fit. This would mean that people would be playing into gender roles, stereotypes, and categories. Men tend to be given roles where they must be macho and manly while women need to be soft and fragile . Constructions like these show that there are physical and mental evidence of similarities and differences between men and women. Usually, these views are often influenced by friends, family, and the media. These traits are often defined by the environments that influence the biological construction of a person"s existence. When a child is born, we typically hear it"s a boy/girl! which is often based upon their outward appearance. This never really factors in the future of the child if they do not feel part of the gender they are categorized in.