[SOC2151] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 41 pages long Study Guide!

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Globalization : could imply the breaking down of nation-states", has political, economical, social, and cultural aspects. Is the transmission of events and/or phenomenon across borders that were set up by nation-states who no longer possess as much power to make decisions. This may have been radicalized by the use of technology. Why should you care to study globalization: the commodities that we use in our daily lives go through global production. What is globalization: there are different ways of interpreting and conceptualizing this term. Certain processes are not contained or within limits, but this does not mean that they can do whatever they want; they depend on other elements. These flows are unequal which makes it easier for certain commodities, etc. to flow than others. On theories, concepts, and metaphors: metaphor: the use of one term or image to represent a thing or a process.