ANT102H5 : Ethnicity - Summer 2010

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ANT102H5 Full Course Notes
ANT102H5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Ethnicity and the nation state: a state is usually dominated by a certain ethnic group, nation-state is a site, nation-state imposes educational policies, dominant ethnic group will impose what education rules. It ethnic also has to do with politics. Ethnicity in flux: you can change ethnicity. Shan: lowland river valleys, irrigation rice agriculture, extensive agriculture, highly structured (hierarchical) Gumsa: ranked lineages, herediatary chieftainships people tired of being low status, so they go to shan www. notesolution. com ethnicity is situational: i like greek guys, so he changed to being greek lolls. The politics of national identity: national self-interest, if you control your nation, you control a lot, you can fix local commodity prices, you can control exports. Race variety neutral polymorphisms no body is isolated from anybody else unseen bodily componenents. If you take out people"s clothes and put em in swimming pool, they all look the same (lol)