PSY311H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fixed Action Pattern, Mental Model, Twin Study

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Maturation multifinality age cohorts sequential design time sampling phenotype gene-environment (g x e) model externalizing problems separation distress strange situation internal working model social smile emotional script. Babies come with their biological needs that need to be regulated (ie. sleeping and eating patterns), so that ideally, gradually they have regular sleeping and eating patterns. In this, child is exposed to unfamiliar situations and has their behaviour assessed upon reunion and separation from caregiver. clear cut attachment: child displays separation protest or distress in the absence of the attachment giver. They recognize and can differentiate btwn a familiar primary caregiver"s face and that of a stranger. No conclusive evidence. duchenne smile: expressed by an infant to show genuine pleasure. This smile involves an upturned mouth and crinkles near the eyes. It is usually reserved for mothers. sequential design: a way of studying change over time that combines features of both a cross section and longitudinal designs.