PSY311H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mental Model, Amygdala, Joint Attention

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Document Summary

Social development: a branch of psychology that studies aspects such as the changes overime in a child"s understanding of aitudes and acions towards others, and the child"s aciviies, feelings, and control of emoions and will. It includes afecive, cogniive, and social aspects of development. Darwin was the irst to record baby biographies, in which he observed his own child and documented their behaviours. Psychodynamic theory (freud): development is determined by innate biologically based drives shaped by encounters with the environment in early childhood. There are 5 discrete stages of development: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. According to freud, personality consists of the id (insinct), ego (raionality), and superego (personality). Psychosocial theory (erikson): an expansion of the psychodynamic theory that includes social and cultural inluences on development. This theory is organized around a series of fundamental tasks that individuals must accomplish at each stage. The stages are: infancy, early childhood, play age, school age, adolescence, young adulthood, and mature age.