PSY325H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Religious Text, Reminiscing, Knitting

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Schemas- influence how information is proceed, coded, and retrieved. Explicit memory of an event that occurred in your past in a particular time and place. You know your past,you can record it, and you can tell people. It is declarative- consciously aware of it- report on it. Semantic and episodic- memory of specific episodes that happened in your past (ex: your 6th birthday party) Some info about ourselves are semantic in nature- they dont just exist of discrete episodes but also beyond a part of ourselves. Memories of your past birthdays, over time draw upon that information to build a narrative of who we are. They are self relevant- consists of information from your personal past; based on your personal experiences- things that have happened to you. Doesn"t just contain snapshots of your past- they are reconstructions of your past- we reconstruct that past in the present.