PSY328H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Trace Evidence, Polygraph

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11 Feb 2021

Document Summary

Apa outcome: 1. 1: according to the text, the most powerful type of evidence is _____ and behind that, _____ is the second most powerful form of evidence, confession; dna, surveillance film; confessions, dna; eyewitness testimony, confessions; eyewitness testimony. Apa outcome: 1. 1: research outlined in the text has shown that frequency of full confessions that are procured through interrogation is within the range of _____ percent, 6 22, 15 25, 21 30, 39 48. Apa outcome: 1. 1: in addition to the number of confessions obtained, the text explains that interrogations may also produce an additional _____ percent of cases where damaging statements or partial admissions are obtained, 5 10, 13 16, 20 28, 30 42. Section: the rights of suspects and legal safeguards to protecting these rights. Apa outcome: 1. 3: utilizing two interrogators working together to obtain a confession is often referred to as, tag teaming, good cop-bad cop, collar collaboration, alternating interrogation.