ANTA01H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Olduvai Gorge, Prehensile Tail, Old World Monkey

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25 Sep 2014

Document Summary

Evolution: a change in genetic structure of a population from one generation to the next. Adaptation: a feature of an organism that increases the likelihood of its survival and reproduction in a particular environment. Adaptive radiation: the evolution of multiple divergent species from a single less specialized ancestral species. Niche: the role of a species in its environment; everything that an animal does in terms of its ecology. Darwin examined and compared finches of different continents and figured out that they have different physical appearances, such as peaks due to their adaptation to the environment and to distinct to their natural habitats. These different type of finches also have different diets, which influences on their appearances. There is variation: people are of different kind, height, different colour eyes this variation is heritable (darwin didn"t know) Some variants are better adapted to deal in their environment (adaptation) If left unchecked, every organism will produce more offspring than can survive. (malthus).