ASTA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Occultation, Galactic Center, Semi-Major And Semi-Minor Axes

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10 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Inherited property: measured in energy/sec (j/sec, brightness (b) is the energy flux/number of photons per time per receiver area, dependent on distance, measured in flux units: energy/sec/area (j/sec/m2, = (cid:3013)(cid:2872)(cid:3118) Isotopes are elements with same # of protons, different # of neutrons. If atom or molecule absorbs energy from photon or collision, an electron can be ejected: you get positive ion. If an extra electron is added instead: you get negative ion. Identify odd-ball stars that move weird to otherwise similar stars: stellar brightness. Intrinsic luminosity measures total energy output by star in watts (energy/sec) Independent of how far you observe it (physical property of star: apparent brightness measures how bright star appears seen from a distance, depends on distance to the star, stars can look bright b/c: Intrinsically very luminous: must know the distance to the star or distance-independent property of star.