MDSA01H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Humane Education, Postmodernity, New Media

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26 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Study guide (chapter 1: introducing critical media studies. Somatically thing we know through directly sensory perception of our environment. We know what some things look, smell, feel or sound is because we have experienced them before. Symbolically the vast majority of what we know comes to us is a second way symbolically. These are things we know through someone or something such as a parent, friend, teacher, or internet. Medium type of information is mediated came to us via an indirect channel or medium. Example way that television and discovery channel might come between us and the animals. Print media the first mass medium, when the first printing press was developed in in. Motion pictures and sound recording sound recording and motion pictures an odd: printed materials before the advent of the press were costly and rare. pair t first but history is intertwined.