[PHLB09H3] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (66 pages long)

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Document Summary

The (4) general ethical principles: autonomy, beneficence, utility. What"s the appropriate way to handling with death, what"s life worth, etc. ) What"s the appropriate response to deal with pain) Normative ethics: which principles should guide action; which are justified, do they admit of exception; how to resolve conflict. Metaethics: what"s a moral belief; are there moral facts; what makes moral statements true; what makes action right (happiness, god, consequences) Applied ethics: which moral norms can solve given practical moral issues. Bioethical issues: health care, medical science, medical technology. Norms: grammatical, legal, aesthetic, moral: moral: overriding, universal impartial, rational. Value: actions/intentions/characters to esteem: permissible (not wrong to do, i. e. , allowed, obligatory (wrong not to do, i. e. , required) E. g. wrong not to drive on the right side of the road. Relation to theory: never take a life intentionally" vis- -vis utilitarian, kantian, natural law theories.