POLC90H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Capital Intensity, Karl Polanyi, Eurocentrism

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The beginning of the era of development: the marshall plan (1947) - to rebuild the war torn countries of europe after world war 2. 1950s: all about modernization, progress, growth, urbanization and the third world concept was born. The idea of the third world was born. It was very different from the way they spoke about it. 1960s and 1970s: rural development + agriculture, underdevelopment, dependency, state led growth and industrialization. Advances in the north were only possible because of the exploitation of the south and redistribution for equity and fairness. 1980s: the debt crisis, neo liberal economics, structural adjustment. Trying to emphasize the market not the state. 1990s: about the environment, gender, indigenous rights, grass roots development, globalization and resistance. Dissatisfaction with the state and the role of civil society as the important society. 2000s: post colonialism, post washington consensus, post neo liberalism. A mix and don"t know where to go and deal with it.