PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Facial Action Coding System, Group Cohesiveness, Social Rejection

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Group: collection of two or more people who interact with each other (talk, shake hands) and are interdependent (needs and goals cause them to rely on each other) ex. sports teams, churches. Types of groups: non-social (ex. a bunch of ppl standing in line becomes social if there is a car accident. & ppl start talking to each other) vs. social groups (interacting, interdependence: social groups (have social norms to guide behavior, social roles & vary in level of group cohesiveness) 1 social norms (a groups prescriptions for the behavior, values & beliefs of the members) 2 social roles (groups expectations for the behavior/responsibilities +=helps group function; -= individual personality may be taken over by the power of role (ex. Kkk, & group chanting/stomping effects: ex. anon bullying cause teen suicides. Symptoms (outgroup stereotype, group is correct, illusion of unamity, illusion of invulnerability) Consequences (poor info search, incomplete survey of alternatives)