PSYB20H3 Final: Chapters 11- 16

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Document Summary

Chapter 11: physical development and health in middle childhood. Children grow about 5 to 7 cm and gain about 2 to 4 kg each year beween ages 6 and 11. Primary teeth begin to fall out at about age 6 and replaced by permanent teeth at a rate of about four teeth per year for the next five years. Improvements in dental health have dropped the number of children aged 6 to 11 with untreated cavities in their permanent teeth from 74% in 1970s to 25% in 2009. Untreated oral disease may lead to problems in eating, speaking, and sleeping. One important maturational change (identified through the use of brain imaging techniques) is a loss in the density of grey matter = closely packed neuronal bodies in ce rta in re gions of the ce re bra l corte x.