JAV131H1 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Josef Chochol, Czech Cubism, Georges Braque

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1910-1925 dynamic expressions: before: art nouveau - decorative vs anti-decorative (hoffmann vs loos) simplicity, abstract, geometrical forms - emphasis on structure - breaking with the past, now: avant-gardes synonymous with modern. Italy (futurism) /france (cubism) /germany (expressionism) /netherlands (neoplasticism) /russia/soviet union (constructivism/suprematism) /france (le. Corbusier) (purism: avant-garde is french term, meaning vanguard/advance guard influential thinker. Henri de saint-simon, one of the forerunners of socialism synonymous with modern: modern - now/pertaining to the modern period, or modern style, modernity - state/condition, modernization - process/development, modernism - style/period. Moved away from cubism started a different type of cubism. Expressionism (amsterdam school: michel de klerk and piet kramer de dageraad housing amsterdam 1922 reference to sea/ships. Ebenezer howard the garden cities of to-morrow 1902: when you combine a country and a town together you get a garden city create urban environment with non-urban feeling howard. Michel de klerk spaarndammerplantsoen housing amsterdam .