ECO204Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Monopoly Price, Marginal Cost, Average Variable Cost

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25 Oct 2018

Document Summary

This exam consists of 6 questions in 29 pages, double-sided. Please write your name and id # (as these appear in rosi) You cannot leave the exam room during the last 10 minutes. Please remain seated until the proctor announces that you can leave the room. If you detach any pages then it"s your responsibility to re-staple the pages. There are 2 worksheets at the end of this exam. All questions in this final exam are based on the following information about amd and intel. The economist, hugo salgado, estimated the following demand models for intel and amd pc (personal computer) cpu chips (central processing units): The subscripts and refer to amd and intel respectively where cpu and quantity of. Notice these demand models are of the form ( ) and ( ) respectively. Hugo also estimated amd and intel"s average variable cost1: