JGI216H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Eurocentrism

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Professor David Roberts Mar. 30, 2017
A. 6 Short answer questions (one from each lecture):
Three components
- clear definition
- An example from the course
- A link to the context of the lecture/course
- Every question should somehow link to GLOBALIZATION***
B. Essay Question:
- Choice: 1 out of 2 options Think through the class as a whole (will ask to bring
examples from at least three lecture) Connect + overlap themes and lenses
- Should know what the lenses do
Ex. Securitized city vs. Multicultural city
- Should have a thesis/answer to the question and indicate a basic structure and how the
answer will proceed
Orientalism can be connected to three lectures - Sars lecture, War and terrorism lecture, Cities as
Developed and Underdeveloped lecture (Orientalism can be seen as how places are being framed
as not the norm- exotic or the "other" in relation to the West).
Five Lenses:
- What work do these lenses do?
- Lenses cut globalization into different pieces and make it easier to understand
1) The Colonial/Post Colonial City Captures Eurocentric practices
2) World Class cities Tremendous financial importance but overlooks the idea that what
is being advertised as world class; the majority of people that live there can't afford that
3) Multicultural Cities Focuses on the demographics of the city and the aspiration that
diversity makes cities unique- But can obscure elements of inequality and discrimination
Ex. Immigrants in Paris not particularly embraced or feel welcome
4) Cities of the Underdeveloped world Singular path: goal is for all cities to be
developed; but development is only one way to understand what is happening within
cities and doesn't understand the complexity of unevenness in cities
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