HPS100H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Teleology, Phlogiston Theory, Agnosticism

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Notes from hps100h1f part 2 - exam prep. Heavier elements tend towards the center of the universe. All non terrestrial bodies are made of aether. Celestial region influences the terrestrial region sun heats earth, moon causes tides, sun causes seasons. Body contains: blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm. Blood - air, yellow bile - fire, black bile - earth, phlegm - water. Different individuals contain different balance of humors = temper/temperament. Thus curing required re-balancing of the four elements. Sun moves through constellations, in an ecliptic orbit. Each sign is associated with one of four elements. An individuals temper is determined by specific placement of the planets at moment of birth. All things tend towards certain intrinsic or extrinsic goals (have a purpose) Hylomorphism from greek - hule (matter) and morphe (form) All things are compounds of two components - matter and form. Four elements compose matter of body, soul compromises form.