HST209H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Promotion, Substance Abuse, Medicalization

47 views4 pages
10 Apr 2020

Document Summary

Models of health: biomedical, behavioural, socio-environmental & political economy. Health is defined as the absence or presence of disease. Health is the result of lifestyle choices utilization of drugs and medication educator telling people how to live healthy. Health is the product of a range of determinants focus on social and environmental issues. Political economy health is the product of historical, economical and social context. Approaches to health: public health, health promotion, population health. Process of enabling individuals to increase control over, and to improve, their health . Enable: ensure equal access and enable access to health resource. Public health policies created outside traditional health systems. To understand why some populations have better health than others. Focus on health outcomes and distribution of outcomes. All members are considered in health improvement outcomes. Address health issues in regards to social determinants. Traditional approach, some groups with health issues are marginalized. Studies focus on aggregations and groups with the same characteristics.