ITA240Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homo Sovieticus, Signify, Preposition And Postposition

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5 Mar 2020

Document Summary

If the paper is well written, it will tell you which way to go with your paper. For example, responding to the films of the early soviet filmmakers, you have written a thesis that says this: to create homo sovieticus, a new kind of human being. The purpose of the early soviet films was not only to support the ideology of the revolution, but. Outlining your argument: by best structure we mean the structure that best supports the argument you intend to make. Constructing paragraphs: now you have to go about the serious business of constructing paragraphs, know what you want the paragraph to do, make sure it fulfills that purpose. What should a paragraph do: consider this: what you look for in a partner, a reader looks for in a paragraph. A good paragraph supports and develops the thesis, and it also declares its relationship to the thesis. A good paragraph focuses on a single, well-articulated argument point.