[NFS284H1] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (45 pages long!)

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Canadians do really well in the meat category (90%) Many canadian adults eat less than the recommended number of servings. Many canadian adults eat more than 35% kcal from fat (hyper caloric foods) If you are getting too many of your kilocalories from fat, then there is a higher probability that you are getting too many calories in total. Fat is a very concentrated source of calories. Chronic disease develop slowly and last a long time. Good nutrition can reduce your risk of chronic disease. Cancer, heart disease, and stroke are the leading causes of death. Fruit and baby carrots would cost sh. 50 and provide 100 kilocalories. Eating more kilocalories than we expend during daily activities will result in weight gain. Essential nutrients: essential to human life, must be provided by the diet, cannot be biosynthesized in the body in sufficient quantities.