PCL102H1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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The evidence we have of these early medications are the literature. Ashipu believed that diseases were caused by deamons, and they used magic to cure the disease. The staff with a snake wrapped around it is a symbol of medicine. In this culture medicine is supposed to have limits, and he crossed the line by reviving a dead corpse. His therapeutic approach was to use many things at once. He viewed the body as wisdom, and if you give the body a mixture, the body will extract what it needs and ignore the rest. His ideas stuck around for centuries because of how popular he was. He believed that the best way to learn about medecines were in taverns, and tak to people and ask them what worked for them. Since he had new views, he introduced new remedies . He said that we should be thinking about single herbs medecines and minerals at a time to cure a patient.