POL101Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Collective Action, Hegemonic Stability Theory, Complex Interdependence

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11. what are the core principles of parliamentary government: tend to lead to majority rule, executive reflects legislative branch, only legitimate institution is parliament, prime minister can be changed without regime crisis. 12. what are the core principles of presidential government: exective with a considerable amount of power and seperate from legislative, better for ethnically divided countries. 15. what does proportional representation mean for an electoral system: may allow the formation of alternative coalitions and prevent zero-sum outcomes. 19. can you provide an example of a collective action problem: although we have the opportunity to vote, we do not exercise it. 22. what is totalitarianism: political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary. 24. what is fascism: ideologies of salvation, not looking at the human condition of human betterment, critique of liberalism. 2: authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government and social organization.