PSL201Y1 Final: adrenal gland

114 views5 pages
8 Mar 2011

Document Summary

::all came from the same precursor gene (pomc gives acth and upon splicing, can give multiple forms of the hormone) \there is an inner layer = adrenal medulla, and an outer layer = adrenal cortex players. ::longer time to be released, but sustained/chronic effect. *testosterone = in females, goes to ovaries and because of the presence of aromatose, creates estrogen recall: epinephrine = adrenaline fight v. flight response. \provides body with energy for an acute stress response. different responses based on which receptors are activated recall: sex steroids = modified from cholesterol by enzymes in certain tissues/cells. ::testosterone movement to ovary + aromatase = estrogen. *sex hormones are derived from steroids www. notesolution. com ((specific steroids synthesized in specific adrenal cortex zones)) cortex region medulla zona reticularis zona fasciulata zona glomerulosa capsule synthesis glucocorticoids aldosterone catecholamines sex hormones. S leads to overproduction of genes steroids is diffusibility. (1) will diffuse into the cell and bind to its receptor.