PSY220H1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Sociological perspective: interested in things at the group level: social class, race. Anthropological perspective: boarder approach and look at things in term of cultures and conflict. Clinical psychology perspective: focused on abnormal things that goes on (ptsd; affect people; deviation from the norm. Political science perspective: look at resources, economics, government system. Social psychology perspective: decision-making (should your family stay or leave, consequences of identifying as a refugee, prejudice and stereotyping by others, propaganda surrounding the issue. Social influence: the influences that people have upon the beliefs, feelings, and behavior of others. Pervasive, affecting us every moment every day. Shaped by both cognitive processes (the ways our minds work) and by social processes (influence from others) Princeton vs darkmy study (refs being fair, Kurt lewin: training as a gusalt psycyhologists. Idea of life space: past and present experiences. World war ii is when social psychology needed to be answered: milligrams experience.