PSY290H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Extracellular Fluid, Striatum, Fear Conditioning

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Document Summary

Biopsychology: the study of the biology of behavior (a neuroscience of behavior) A subdivision of psychology (behavior) and neuroscience (biology) Also called psychobiology, behavioral biology, or behavioral neuroscience. Each discipline of biopsychology uses a different approach and studies a different aspect of the nervous system. They collectively informs our understanding of what produces and controls behavior. These do not directly study behavior. (what distinguishes biopsychology from other disciplines of neuroscience) Products of the activities in the nerve system. Important features: behaviors vary between different species and individuals within a species. Variation in behavioral traits are determined by variations in genes and environment. Gene-environment interaction: environments(physical, chemical, biological, social, economical etc. ) interact with gene. (two way street) Dna is made of polymers of a nucleotide. A nucleotide is made of five-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), nitrogen containing base, and phosphate group. (deoxy denotes to a missing oxygen atom in the sugar)