PSY397H1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 86 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Course intro: rhythms and temporal programs, orientation, migration, seasonality, coordination of behaviour. Reproductive and social: time memory, health performance, history and philosophy, definition. Nature has evolved to let us anticipate these rhythms. Most events in nature occur without warning or a length warning for that matter. The sun is the most regular and predictable event in our natural environment. Goal: to look at biological timing and significance of time in biology. We will focus more on the biology of timing whereas the spring edition focuses on the disease and de-synchrony portion. We divide our lives into timezones --> our awareness of 9am here can be different in other places. Such as north where the sun rises at a later time. All humans can start at 9am for school/work and their reality can be different. We are driven by two schedules: biological and social. This creates a problem as all other animals do not follow a social schedule.