ENV221H1 Study Guide - Environmental Ethics, Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics

136 views6 pages
15 Nov 2011

Document Summary

Multidisciplinary: problem solving by drawing from a # of disciplines to define problems outside of normal boundaries and reach solutions based on new understandings of complex situations. 6 myths of education: ignorance is solvable new information will always arise: we need to value critical thinking over theory, need to understand the value. 6. learn practical things as well such as: shelter building, how to grow food, local wildlife. Environmental science: the study of how the natural world works and how we effect the environment and how it effects us: whats science? how things work, must be testable, a process of discovery > essence in change. Method: observation > hypothesis > testing by observation. 3. how can we protect nature challenges: complexity, change, uncertainty, direct experiments are difficult, operates in a complex web: we need recognition of problems to promote critical thinking. Ecocentrism: integrity of whole ecological systems, holistic view.