JAV120H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Marcel Duchamp, Juan Gris, Cubism

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Document Summary

Title: pl 248 sitting down on the ground. Title: fruit dish and glass, (cid:862)quotidie(cid:374) du midi. Title: dynamism of a dog on a leash. Realism of a peasant women in 2 dimensions. Title: poster for the play (cid:862)through ed a(cid:374)d. Fingers - with 5 you seize the enemy! Title: portrait d(cid:859)u(cid:374)e jeune fille americaine da(cid:374)s l(cid:859)etat de (cid:374)udite. Title: collage made according to the laws of chance. Title: mannequin from (cid:858) urrealist treet(cid:859) at the (cid:1005)(cid:1013)(cid:1007)(cid:1012) Title: what a day what a day; a lost world. Analytical cubism (1907-1912: form analyzed into geometric structures, creates figurative imagery, displays subdued colors, forms are recognizable, but broken down into geometric forms, aim: explore new spatial relationships. Synthetic cubism (1912-1914: use of "collage" to build geometric forms, use of richer colors and textures, creates a more varied mood, featured "stencil lettering," pieces of newspaper, cloth add to flat surfaces of painting.