[Psychology 46-427] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Behavior can refer to both covert (private/internal) and overt (visible/external) activities. Dimensions of behavior: characteristics of behavior that can be measured. Intensity of force of a behavior means the physical effort needed to emit a behavior. Behavior is awesome described in a very general sense which leaves out a lot of information; this can sometimes be helpful, but harmful in other cases. Behavioral deficits and behavioral excesses are the main focus of this book. Behavior modification: systematic use of learning principles to measure and improve behavior, which will then improve an individual"s daily life. 1) defines problems in terms that are measurable. 2) treatment procedures alter individual"s environment (stimuli) to help functioning. 3) methods and rationales can be precisely described. 5) stems from basic and applied research in the science of learning; ex. operant and pavlovian conditioning. 6) scientifically demonstrates that particular treatments/interventions are responsible for particular behavioral changes. 7) high accountability for each person involved in behaviour modification programs.