SACR 2600 Study Guide - Final Guide: Street Prostitution, Cognitive Dissonance

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**white collar crime a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation. **muckrakers firmly established the revelation of high-level wrongdoing as a legitimate journalistic enterprise (these people are interested in showing the public white collar crimes) **criminogenic market structure an economic market that is structured in such a way that it tends to produce criminal behaviour (very difficult for the small companies to achieve what the big companies already achieved) Human trafficking and the sex market, like any other business, needs demand to continue to exist (includes pornography, street prostitution etc. ) Anyone who exchanges money for sexual purpose is a buyer. Buyers vary in race, gender, and age. Most women have been manipulated to a different country and controlled by a pimp (often a male) The pimps take every cent women make or they threaten to kill her or her family.