Anatomy and Cell Biology 2221 Study Guide - Pericardium, Sternal Angle, Pulmonary Circulation

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Apex of the heart points downwards, and to the left. The heart sits in a sac called the pericardial sac. The space within this sac is called the pericardial cavity, and it is filled with fluid so that there is no friction between the heart and surrounding structures as it beats. The sac is also anchored by the lungs and a ligament that is attached to the diaphragm. Between t3 and t4 (sternal angle) is where the top of the heart lies. At t9 (xiphisternal angle) is where the bottom of the heart lies. Heart is a pressure generated system, instead of just a pumping station; blood follows pressure gradient. System is split into two halves: deoxygenated blood (right) Blue colour comes from lack of blood. But the veins are never lacking blood. Not technically deoxygenated, it just has been deprived of some oxygen from the tissues.